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Compact VHF/UHF FM Portable Radios

The 360 Series ultra sub-compact radio platform with expanded features sets a new "best in class" standard for portable two-way radios. With a smaller, lighter design and new features such as increased operating bandwidth, 5 Watts UHF & VHF output power, and MDC-1200, the TK-2360/3360 VHF/UHF analog portable radios are the perfect next generation solution for enterprise and industrial customers. 360 Series radios are extremely rugged - meeting both MIL SPEC and IP54/55 requirements. This small sized but durable portable radio is a true workhorse, and with its moderate cost a proven value.

Below is a brief list of features. For a complete list of product features and specifications, please download the product brochure.

  • 136-174 MHz, 5W
  • 450-520, 400-470 MHz ,5W
  • 16 Channels
  • Single Priority / Normal Scan
  • 3 PF Keys (w/Hold Function)
  • DTMF Decode / Encode
  • Two-Tone Decode
  • FleetSync® II, MDC-1200
  • Voice Inversion Scrambler Built-in

Kenwood Products